Pinnacle Building Services
Cleaning Services
M - F office hours 9am - 5pm
Sat. by Appt. Only
Driving Directions:
Serving Richland, Ashland & surrounding Counties
About Us
A Local Commercial Cleaning Business here to take care of ALL of your cleaning needs so that you can place your focus elsewhere! From offices to factories, we can handle any size job. At Pinnacle we believe you can only look at our services in 2 ways; it is either CLEAN or it's not! We hold ourselves and our employee's to very high standards; perform regular employee evaluations along with monhtly building inspections, mandate national background checks on all new hires, ensure quality training and onboarding, maintain less than a 24-hour response time on any issues that may arise and give our customers the exceptional service they expect.
- Commercial Cleaning
- Floorcare Services
- Carpet Care
- Construction Clean-Up
- Apartment Readiness

Rep/Contact Info